CMOS transistors are extensively used in designing digital circuits. Transistor level design is an important aspect in any digital circuit designs particularly in full adders. Full adder is the basic part in any of the arithmetic circuits. FinFET is another technology that has a longer channel gate. Carbon Nanotube field effect transistor (CNTFET) is the most optimistic technology which is three terminal device similar to MOSFET. The semiconducting channel between the two contacts called drain and source consists of the nano tube. This paper presents Ripple carry adder (RCA) using static and dynamic logic styles with CMOS, FinFET and CNTFET technologies in 20nm technology with supply voltage of 0.9v and simulation is done by using Synopsys HSPICE Tool.
Sasi, G., Athisha, G., & Surya Prakash, S. (2019). Performance comparison for ripple carry adder using various logic design. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(4S2), 372–377.
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