Effect of egg shell powder on strength behaviour of concrete

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The study of strength behaviour of M20 grade concrete, by exchanging the cement partly by powder of egg shell, for which an experimental tests were carried out and the effect of egg shell powder (0%,5%.10%,15%) on compressive strength characteristics were studied. The result of this present investigation shows that the replacement of 5% of cement with egg shell powder attains the maximum compressive strength. The best and economical percentage exchange of replacement of powder of egg shell (ESP) with cement is about 5% and also reduces the cost of concrete with the use of powder of egg shell, which is available freely as raw material and then it is grinded well to make powder. The egg shell is available from municipal solid waste and is mixed in powder form in concrete by exchanging the cement and is found that 5% replacement is very effective in the improvement of strength properties when compared to the conventional concrete. Also the exchangement of 5% ESP in cement gives higher split tensile strength as compared to other cement ingredient mixtures. In this study, it is fixed that 0.45 is the w/c ratio and it produces medium degree of workability which is suitable for most of the concrete mixtures on site. The addition of eggshell powder as filler in concrete has improved the strength of concrete and also improved and better split tensile strength.




Venkata Krishnaiah, R., Dayakar, P., & Mohan, S. J. (2019). Effect of egg shell powder on strength behaviour of concrete. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 562–564. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I3110.0789S319

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