Renewable energy based grid connected inverter to improve power quality

ISSN: 22498958
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Alternative to conventional energy source, Renewable Energy Resources (RES) plays a vital role to handle nonlinear-load in the power system network. Many renewable sources are available for present days. Renewable energy sources may be a solar, wind, and fuel cells, which depend upon the distribution voltage levels. The depletion of fossil fuels, RES is an alternative source to meet the demand at the load side itself. In this paper, RES is used to handle the current (I) based, and voltage (V) based power quality problems in the utility side. A shunt and series switched multi-function grid-connected inverter (SSMFGCI) is introduced to minimize the power quality problems. The SSSMFGCI is connected to the grid by series or parallel combination to compensate the harmonics current or voltage. To prove the concept of the proposed method MATLAB/SIMULINK software is used.Atmega328 based reduced rated hardware is developed for verifying the system enhancements.




Balamurugan, A., & Sumathi, R. (2019). Renewable energy based grid connected inverter to improve power quality. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(5), 2652–2656.

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