Experimentation and performance analysis of natural draft wire on tube condenser

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This project is sponsored by the company Whirlpool of India Limited, situated at Ranjangaon MIDC, Pune. A simple design methodology of Wire on Tube heat exchanger used in domestic refrigeration systems focuses on both energy saving and cost reduction in this study. A wire on tube condenser is two-phase natural convection heat exchanger which rejects heat absorbed by the refrigerant in the evaporator and heat addition by compressor to atmospheric temperature changing its phase. The main objective of this research paper is to study impact of condenser tube length and number of wires, its pitches on performance of domestic refrigerator and desire to find optimum design of wire on tube heat exchanger compatible with on/off compressor in 185 liter 3 star single door model. Mathematical model are used to analyze performance of entire refrigeration system. Experiments were conducted under controlled climatic chamber and varying ambient temperature as per BEE standard and procedures. It was found that experimental results have 5% to 8% deviation range with results obtained from mathematical model. Optimum design of wire on tube heat exchanger selected has main focus on both energy saving and cost reduction.




Badwar, S. R., Joshi, M., Mandale, S., & Kujur, A. (2019). Experimentation and performance analysis of natural draft wire on tube condenser. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 4303–4308. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.C5174.098319

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