Public debate on bovine tuberculosis eradication: Topics and metaphors in the trans-Pyrenees region (Spain and France) 2018–2020

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The management of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a controversial issue due to the different positions of stakeholders regarding diagnosis and treatment. Considering how they conceptualize bTB might influence the acceptability of eradication programmes, we analyse communication materials published by a range of sources in Spain and France, two countries dealing with this disease. We use content and discourse analyses to investigate topics associated with bTB and to detect metaphorical frames used for talking about it. We identify disease detection and control as a dominant issue bolstered by metaphors of battle and war and by images of farmers having to obey other stakeholders' orders. We argue instead in favour of a less warlike perspective in institutional and scientific communication, which also gives farmers more visibility in bTB management.




Moragas-Fernández, C. M., Capdevila, A., Giovanna, C., Espluga, J., Vergne, T., & Allepuz, A. (2024). Public debate on bovine tuberculosis eradication: Topics and metaphors in the trans-Pyrenees region (Spain and France) 2018–2020. Journal of Rural Studies, 108.

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