Probably we may come across the Social Media Sites (SMS) such as Facebook, WhatApp, Twitter and YouTube is a powerful media among the general public. The recent days without social media noting do to so for that reason every individual could be an account holder of social media. With the impact of social media, we could make significant changes among the public or government. The objective of the study is to find out the most influenced factor in Social Media Sites (SMS) among college students. Seven factors are used for the study such as Privacy_F1, Friendship_F2, Illegal Problems_F3, Advertise _F4, Risk Identify _F5, Easiest Share_F6, Post_ F7. Privacy F1 is the most influenced factor among the college students.
Prabu*, Dr. G., & Anthonisamy, Dr. M. (2020). Identification of Influencing Factors: Does the Social Media Sites Affect the Education of College Students? International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 2050–2055.
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