In this paper, low current pressure and high productivity with diminished components have been used to get high step down gain. A single-staged switched inductor Cuk converter is used for correcting the power factor, Different parts of the proposed converter are analyzed in continuous current mode (CCM). Operational analysis and design equations are analyzed. The performance analyses of the proposed converter concerning power quality such as voltage total harmonic distortion (THD), current THD and complete power factor are done with different kinds of load, for example, resistive load and battery load at constant voltage (CV) and constant current (CC). It is utilized to drive a DC motor at variable speeds with the assistance of a PIC microcontroller.
Shanmugapriya, S., Geethanjali, S., Swain, S., Goel, D., & Goud, H. (2019). Improved power quality switched inductor cuk convertor for variable speed dc motor with pic microcontroller. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 1906–1909.
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