Conservation of energy is the important factor from global point of view. Waste heat recovery has become significantly necessary and instant effort should be made to conserve this waste energy. Presently the refrigerator system rejects a lot of heat through condenser. This heat can be used for a variety of useful purposes. A multiuse refrigeration setup has been developed in which, both heating and cooling will be done simultaneously with the help of single vapour compression refrigeration cycle. It has a waste heat recovery system from the compressor for heating effect. Here without disturbing refrigeration cycle, the waste heat energy is used for useful work. The study has shown that such a system is technically feasible and economically viable. This concept has a scope of applications in variety of products such as air conditioners, freezers, water coolers and small scale refrigeration plants. This project leads to hybrid heating and cooling application with same vapour compression refrigeration system.
Harish, S. R., Satheesha Kumar, K., Naveenakrishna, P. V., & Naveen, S. P. (2019). Development of multi use refrigeration system. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 2387–2390.
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