Big data analytics is a field in which we analyse and process information from large or convoluted data sets to be managed by methods of data-processing. Big data analytics is used in analysing the data and helps in predicting the best outcome from the data sets. Big data analytics can be very useful in predicting crime and also gives the best possible solution to solve that crime. In this system we will be using the past crime data set to find out the pattern and through that pattern we will be predicting the range of the incident. The range of the incident will be determined by the decision model and according to the range the prediction will be made. The data sets will be non-linear and in the form of time series so in this system we will be using the prophet model algorithm which is used to analyse the non-linear time series data. The prophet model categories in three main category and i.e. trends, seasonality, and holidays. This system will help crime cell to predict the possible incident according to the pattern which will be developed by the algorithm and it also helps to deploy right number of resources to the highly marked area where there is a high chance of incidents to occur. The system will enhance the crime prediction system and will help the crime department to use their resources more efficiently.
Vinodhini*, M., Srivastava, D., … Arora, S. (2020). An end-to-end Novel Forecasting Model for Crime Prediction based on Big Data. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 3704–3708.
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