An Epidemiological Study of Lung Cancer and Selected Other Cancers among Namibian Uranium Workers

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The Rössing Uranium Limited (RUL) open-cast uranium mine in Namibia has operated since 1976. Studies of underground uranium miners from Europe and North America have shown increased cancer risks (principally lung cancer). We explored the association between radiation doses and selected cancers in RUL mineworkers. Employees with at least one-year of continuous employment between 1976 and 2010 were included. Incident cancer cases [lung, extra-thoracic airways (ETA), leukemia, brain and kidney] occurring before the end of 2015 were identified from the Namibian and South African National Cancer Registries, and RUL's occupational health provider. Using a case-cohort design, data on exposure and confounding factors were collected for all cancer cases among the study cohort and a stratified random sample (sub-cohort) of the cohort, including cases. Radiation doses were estimated based on annual dose records held by RUL. In total, 76 cancer cases (32 lung, 18 ETA, 8 leukemia, 9 brain, 9 kidney) and a sub-cohort of 1,121 sampled from 7,901 RUL employees were included. A weighted Cox model, adjusted for available known confounders, produced a rate ratio (95% CI) for lung cancer of 1.42 (0.42, 4.77) and 1.22 (0.26, 5.68), respectively, for medium and higher cumulative lung dose categories compared to the lower category, and 1.04 (0.95, 1.13) for a dose increase of 10 mSv. This study faced considerable challenges with respect to case ascertainment, exposure estimates, and ensuring accuracy of key variables. Persuasive consistent evidence for elevated cancer risk was not found for radiation or other exposures studied at the Rössing uranium mine.




Agius, R., Batistatou, E., Gittins, M., Jones, S., Mcnamee, R., Liu, H., … Wakeford, R. (2023). An Epidemiological Study of Lung Cancer and Selected Other Cancers among Namibian Uranium Workers. Radiation Research, 200(4), 340–348.

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