In this paper, the Squirrel Cage Induction Generator(SCIG) with distinct controllers to deal with a hybrid wind hydro scheme is employed. In order to reduce the output power fluctuations in SCIG, including energy storage in the battery, a fuzzy logic controller is proposed. This controller smoothens the reactive power to the supplied load by the wind generator. The proposed controller has faster convergence compared with usual PI controller under the presence of parametric variations and uncertainties. From literature, the control scheme as many controllers operates on the Proportional Integral control, which is easy to enforce and performs well under linear conditions of load. But the proposed controller operates not only linear load but also under nonlinear load conditions. Simulation results show the robustness of the proposed controller in eliminating the harmonics, efficiency and minimizing peak oscillations of the output voltage when compared with the conventional controller.
Divya*, M., & Santhi, R. V. (2019). Reduced Output Fluctuations of Hybrid System using SCIG by Fuzzy Logic Controller. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(3), 7660–7663.
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