Can information technology and good corporate governance be used by internal control for fraud prevention?

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The purpose of this research was to know the effect of using information technology (IT) in fraud prevention, the effect of good corporate governance (GCG) in fraud prevention, the effect of the moderators of internal control tools on the relationship between the use of information technology with fraud prevention, and the effect of the moderators of internal control tools on the relationship between good corporate governance and fraud prevention. The object of the research is construction companies in Tangerang, with 37 respondents as the sample using purposive non random sampling. Primary data by distributing questionnaires. The results of this research indicate: 1) The use of information technology has a significant effect in fraud prevention; 2) Good corporate governance has an effect; 3) The internal control tool moderates between the use of information technology and fraud prevention; and 4) The internal control tool moderates between good corporate governance and prevention fraud.




Meiryani, Fitriani, N. A., & Habib, M. M. (2019). Can information technology and good corporate governance be used by internal control for fraud prevention? International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 5556–5567.

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