Text Detection from natural scene images and videos is imperative for applications in real world domain analysis. However the text detection process isperplexingbecause of exigent scenarios that the text exhibit. The information present in the video is either perceptual or it is either in semantic form. Amongst the different content that exists in the video, the text information is a major important content that describes more about the nature of the video. The text present in the video can be categorized into Caption text and Scene text. The caption text is the artificial text that is easy to detect while scene text are natural text which is difficult to identify. In this paper text extraction in natural images by edge based method is implemented. The algorithms are estimated with a set of images of natural scenes that differ alongside the scope of font size, illumination, scale and text direction. Precision, accuracy and recall rates are determined to evaluate the performance. The proposed system worked for all difficult scenarios of varied text and gave better results than the existing methods.
Geetha, C., Thilagavathy, A., Nimmagadda, S., Madhusudhan, R., & Chiruvella, S. (2019). An efficient technique for scene text extraction from videos. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 6510–6514. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.A1306.109119
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