Education Finance, Equality and Equity – Introduction

  • BenDavid-Hadar I
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This volume revisits educational equality and equity issues, especially, in education finance-related topics consisting of 15 chapters and organized in two parts. The first part of the volume entitled "Education Finance", focuses on equity aspects of resource allocation and its influence on education. The second part, entitled "Educational Equality and Equity", focuses on the conceptualization, and the measurements of educational inequity, and inequality with special emphasis on the cost of inequality. The field of education finance has been significantly influencing policy-makers in many countries in recent years. This volume is focused on equity and equality in education finance in an international frame. This book would be of interest to (1) scholars at the fields of education finance, economics of education, and educational policy, (2) graduate students at the course of school finance or economics of education, and (3) local and global policy makers at the fields of education policy, and education finance. Intro; Acknowledgments; Contents; Contributors; Abbreviations; Education Finance, Equality and Equity -- Introduction; 1 General; 2 Structure; References; Part I Education Finance; School Finance Policy and Justice; 1 Introduction; 2 Promoting State Competitiveness and Social Cohesiveness; 3 Common Redistribution Strategies and Their Impact on Education; 4 Political Theories Underlying Common Strategies Utilized to Promote Cohesiveness and/or Competitiveness; 5 Education Finance Policy and its Effect on the EAD; 6 The Common Concepts and Measurements of Equity in Education Finance. 6.1 The Equity Concepts Used in Education Finance6.2 Measuring Equity in Educational Systems; 6.3 Developing a New Approach; 6.3.1 Conceptualizing Improvement-Based Allocation Mechanisms for Education; 6.3.2 Developing a New Measurement; 7 Conclusions; References; Why Should Tax Justice Be Part of the Solution to Finance Free Good Quality Education? A Multi-country Study: Pakistan, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda; 1 Introduction; 2 Methods; 3 Why Tax Justice; 4 How Free Is Free; 5 What Could Be Done; References; A Historical and Conceptual Overview of School Finance Equalization Models. 1 Introduction2 Historical Development of Equalization; 2.1 Flat Grant -- First Equalization Model; 2.2 The Foundation Program: Second Model of Equalization Featuring a Confluence of Thought from Cubberley to Mort; 2.3 Morrison and Full State Funding; 2.4 Other Models of Equalization; 3 Equalization Models During the Counter-Cultural Period; 4 Third Model of Equalization -- Equal Protection and the State Education Clause; 5 Equalization Models from 1990 to the Present Through a Specific Case Study; 6 Fourth Model of Equalization -- Equalization Programs Responding to Adequacy; 7 Conclusion. Financing of Higher Education Institutions: Access to Funds and Issues of Equity1 Introduction; 2 Arguments on Public Financing of Higher Education; 3 International Trends in Funding of Higher Education; 4 Financing of Higher Education in India; 4.1 General Overview; 4.2 Allocation of Resources to Higher Education in India; 5 Empirical Findings on Fund Flow Mechanism and Utilization Patterns; 6 Governance, Management and Issues of Autonomy; 7 Issues of Financing: Fund Allocation, Utilization and Generation; 8 Infrastructure Facilities and Other Basic Amenities.




BenDavid-Hadar, I. (2018). Education Finance, Equality and Equity – Introduction (pp. 1–15).

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