A Chatbot Application by using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence Markup Language

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A program which helps in making conversation with the help of textual methods is referred to as chatbot. Chatbot helps in responding to a message quickly and that too without human intervention. Startups are inventing thousands of chatbots in order to provide a better service and keep their customers busy by a kind and simple conversation. It also helps in providing far better services to customers and helps in buying products. It takes an input from the user in the form of keywords, and it matches those keywords in its data-set to give out the corresponding output saved in it. It gives all the possible answers related to user queries. Since, most of the times like during pandemic, we cannot go outside and cannot meet people, it is an interactive way to get to know about how world is dealing with it. Chatbots exploits AI and ML platforms. Chatbots are becoming popular day by day in this modern era, they are being used in business groups and helps in reducing costs and can help in providing one to many communications that means it can handle multiple customers at same time. Chatbots need to be as efficient as possible.




Arya, V., Khan, R., & Aggarwal, Prof. M. (2022). A Chatbot Application by using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence Markup Language. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, 12(3), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijsce.c3566.0712322

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