Adverse Events After SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination Among Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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INTRODUCTION:Patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) on immunosuppressive and biologic therapies were largely excluded from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 messenger RNA vaccine trials.METHODS:We evaluated adverse events (AE) after messenger RNA vaccination in 246 adults with IBD participating in a longitudinal vaccine registry.RESULTS:In general, AE frequency was similar to that reported in the general population. AEs were more common among younger patients and those with previous COVID-19. AEs were less common in individuals receiving advanced therapies with biologics or small-molecule inhibitors.DISCUSSION:Those with IBD and other immune-mediated inflammatory diseases can be reassured that the AE risk is likely not increased, and may be reduced, while on advanced therapies.




Botwin, G. J., Li, D., Figueiredo, J., Cheng, S., Braun, J., Mcgovern, D. P. B., & Melmed, G. Y. (2021). Adverse Events After SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination Among Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 116(8), 1746–1751.

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