Malaysian Polytechnic: Entrepreneurial Practice Amongst Lecturers

  • Zainal* H
  • et al.
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Polytechnic in Malaysia today have entrepreneurial education based activities Entrepreneurship is one of the elements of teaching and learning for lecturers and students especially in relation to real life experiences in the business world and thus it can apply the concepts and theories learned as a business approach to real life situations. The perception of preparation among lecturers is based on knowledge, practice and skills. A total 134 of lecturers from Northern Regional Polytechnic, East Regional Polytechnic and Southern Regional Polytechnic randomly selected to answer a questionnaire that was given. The data was analyzed to get descriptive statistics. The results shows the perception of the level of readiness about knowledge, practice and skills among lecturers is at a high level So that, lecturers has strongly to implement entrepreneurial activities and also about their teaching but the task of management needs more focus too and lecturers has to do also. Lastly, this study showed no significant difference amongst polytechnic lecturers in Malaysia on the entrepreneurial.




Zainal*, H., & Jabor, M. K. (2019). Malaysian Polytechnic: Entrepreneurial Practice Amongst Lecturers. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 8601–8603.

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