This paper presents Automatic Generation Control (AGC) of a power system using integral controller. In the present day power systems, it has become absolutely essential to maintain the quality of the power generated indicating the need of a robust system that can handle parameter uncertainties neglecting disturbances. Although,extensive research has been done in thisarea, design of an efficient and robust system still remains one of the important issues that need to be addressed. Hence in this paperan integral controller has been designed for a single-area thermal power system without reheat turbine. The optimum controller gain is obtained by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based on Integral of Absolute Error (IAE) and Integral of Square Error (ISE) criterion. The second part of the investigation includes robustness testing of the designed controller against different load conditions and plant parameter variations. The results obtained are compared to those obtained by other control methodologies presented in the recent literature. The results of the simulation validate the superiority of the approach in terms of improvement in the transient response and robustness to plant parameter variations.
Dhawane, V., & Bichkar, Dr. R. S. (2020). Load Frequency Control Optimization using PSO Based Integral Controller. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 97–103.
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