An interactive GPS and RFID based receptacle security system

ISSN: 22498958
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Global Positioning System (GPS), Global System Mobile Communication (GSM) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) are some successful technologies implemented for luggage tracking, locking and unlocking systems. This paper examines the use of location tracking and safety systems for suitcases that communicate with GPS, GSM and RFID. When the owner wants to open the suitcase, he can use the RFID tag to lock and unlocking. If the suitcase is lost and anyone attempts to open the lock, an alert message will be sent to the mobile phone of the owner. If the user cannot open the lock, use GPS modem to send a message to the user’s mobile suitcase / bag location. The suitcase’s zip is made of steel so that it cannot be broken or cut with a knife.




Maanasa, G., Raghava Rao, K., Anjali, L., & Satyannarayana, P. (2019). An interactive GPS and RFID based receptacle security system. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(4), 922–928.

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