Construction project is shrouded with various aspects of risks related to design professionals and design works. The parties involved must be able to manage the risks to complete a construction project successfully. This study aims to assess factors, associated with design professionals and design works, under the traditional procurement route in Malaysia. The study has also investigated the role of Malaysian law in corresponding to the practices of standard risk management by the parties involved. An in-depth, semi-structured interview was applied to gather the information from practitioners involved in design for more than 10 years. The findings showed that the level of understanding among the respondents can be improved. Several aspects of the law of contract, tort, and statutory provisions have to be addressed to correspond to design risk management needs. The law has been considered as an efficient force in ensuring proper risk management practice among the designers. The lack of effort undermined the crucial role of the law itself. It was found out that there are certain aspects of the law that are not being fully understood by the respondents; therefore, this factor also leads to the occurrence of design related risks.
Rashid, Z. Z. A., Adnan, H., Yusuwan, N. M., & Bakhary, N. A. (2019). Risk management on design works in malaysia. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(5s), 96–104.
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