Background/Objectives: This research originated from the curiosity about what happens to the Does Distribution when shot by the Table Detector and Standing Detector which are used most popularly in general shootings. I compared the difference of Dose Distribution and Heel Effect when irradiated by X- ray in relation to the heel effect, the higher X- ray strength in Cathode than Anode according to the X- ray radiation angle. Methods/Statistical analysis: This research is shot in condition of SID 100cm, FOV 45 x 45cm, 75kVp, 25mAs (mA:200, Sec:0.125) which is the condition for the head imaging from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety guideline without phantom. Used the X ray generator TOSHIBA-E7252X as the shooting device, and used CCD Detector CAMCO16M as the Table Detector and Stand Detector. Used Unfors’s Xi R/F & MAM detector dosimeter to measure the dose of nine points 3 times each, and computed and compared the average and standard deviation. Also visualized the concentration dispersion by Image J program and compared it. Findings: Table Detector and Standing Detector both showed the tendency to become smaller in dose value in the Anode direction. And both showed the tendency to become smaller in dose value. Overall Dose distribution was more equal in Standing Detector than the Table detector. Improvements/Applications: Through this research, the Standing Detector showed more equal Dose distribution than the Table detector, and the heel effect was bigger in Table detector. So, according to the patient’s condition and inspection region, use of proper detector is needed.
Hong, D. H., Kim, H. S., Kim, S. H., & Lee, J. H. (2019). Analysis of dose distribution of detectors by type of heel effect. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(3C).
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