Design of A High Performance 4-Bit Ternary Multiplier using CNTFET

  • et al.
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In digital world, digital circuits are influenced by binary logic. Ternary logic which follows the multiple valued logic concept for designing the logic circuits which is an great alternate to the normal binary logic due to its less power consumption and chip area is reduces. Carbon Nano-tube Field-Effect Transistors (CNTFET) is selected to implement the ternary logic circuits due to its mechanical , electrical and thermal properties. The unique feature of CNTFETs has the potential of getting required threshold voltage by varying the diameter of carbon nano-tubes that makes them as a best appropriate type for implementing the ternary logic. In this paper a 4-Bit Ternary Multiplier is designed using 1-Bit ternary multiplier by CNTFET 32nm technology node and simulated in Hspice tool. The proposed 1-Bit multiplier has 10% less delay and 18% less power than the 1-Bit multiplier proposed by Srivasu et al.




Laxman*, P. V., Senapati, R. K., & Teja, L. D. (2019). Design of A High Performance 4-Bit Ternary Multiplier using CNTFET. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 3106–3111.

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