The article provides an effective, resource-saving structural design of an elastic bearing support for saw gins. Expressions are obtained for calculating the amplitude and frequency of oscillations of the saw cylinder on an elastic bearing support. A technique for calculating the bending vibrations of a saw cylinder is provided. The problem of the dynamics of a machine unit of a two-mass gin saw cylinder system has been solved. The analytical method provides formulas for determining the laws of motion of the rotor of the engine and the shaft of the saw cylinder; The problem of the oscillatory movement of the grate on an elastic support with nonlinear rigidity by the analytical method is solved. An expression is obtained for determining the law of grate vibrations. The results of experiments obtained the dependence of changes in the amplitude of oscillations of the shaft of the saw cylinder on the elastic bearings, justified the parameters of the system. The results of production tests of the recommended design are presented.
Djuraev*, A., Khudaykulov, S. S., & Jumaev, A. S. (2020). Development of the Design and Calculation of Parameters of the Saw Cylinder with an Elastic Bearing Support Jin. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 4842–4847.
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