Software error indication using artificial neural network and strong back propagation

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Software designing field contains different methodologies identified with expectation, for example, test exertion forecast, redress cost expectation, blame expectation and so on. Among these product blame expectation is the most mainstream look into zone and numerous new tasks are begun around there. At the point when there is a mistake in the PC program, it delivers an invalid or false outcome. Henceforth expectation of inadequate modules is important to improve the product quality. Different techniques and metric sets are accessible to discover the false modules that are blunder inclined. In this, Artificial Neural Network based programming flaw forecast method is utilized. To discover assessed answers for improvement and inquiry issues this technique is utilized. Manufactured Neural Network is utilized for finding the flawed components and additionally to predict the mistaken modules.

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Priya, N., Nandhini, P., Jeya Priya, D., & Sharma, N. (2019). Software error indication using artificial neural network and strong back propagation. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 875–878.

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