Experimental and Analytical Study of Grouted Sleeve Splice Under Axial Tensile Load

  • et al.
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Paper Compared to traditional cast-in-place concrete structures, the precast Concrete structures are usually constructed in a controlled environment , i.e. plants, and then assembled through certain links at the construction site. The concrete precast concrete structures can therefore have better concrete quality and help to reduce labor costs and increase construction speed. Because of these advantages, in recent years the precast concrete structures have received much attention. This research work therefore presents a reasonable procedure for designing a grouted sleeve splice connection using a simple material such as standard pipes with little workmanship which gives the design a good advantage compared to just using selection tables for expensive proprietary similar connection. Such splices’ mechanical behavior is a function of two essential mechanisms: bar-to-grout bond behavior, and sleeve-to-grout bond behavior. To achieve the purpose of this analysis work , three arrangements were manufactured and checked under incremental axial tensile load with an all-out number of 66 grouted splice sleeve specimens. While experimental methods of investigation are extremely useful in obtaining information about the grouted splice sleeve connection behavior, the use of numerical models helps to develop good comprehension of behavior at lower cost. Models of non-linear finite-element analysis for grouted splice sleeve connection were presented in this research. The research utilized the commercial Finite Element modeling software (ANSYS) to study the effects of some parameters that are important in the bond behavior of the grouted splice sleeve connection and compare the analytical results with the experimental results to confirm the analytical model. The average efficiency of the finite element models using ANSYS was 92.5%. Having the finite element model validated, a parametric study was performed using ANSYS to evaluate the effect of the following parameters on the behavior of grouted splice sleeve: bar diameter, embedded length, grout compressive strength, sleeve wall thickness, and sleeve inner diameter.




Soliman, A. M., Ibrahim, H. H., & Hodhod, H. A. (2020). Experimental and Analytical Study of Grouted Sleeve Splice Under Axial Tensile Load. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 10(1), 309–320. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.l7875.1110120

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