Magnetic strip cards have very low storage mainly a few bytes and in general smart cards can store hundred times more information than magnetic. With more space to store information, smart cards can have more use and may be more versatile than magnetic cards, in addition to being a student identification card it could also be used to store monetary values such as a cash card for retail and as an access card to login to computers and enter rooms. Smart cards have the benefits of storing comprehensive records with the advantages of accuracy and reliability, in other words it can he seen as a mobile database.Our implementation will be very useful to trace the students for college gate, Hostel gate, Library, Transport, Academic attendance, Academic scores, Student details, Achievements. Once college administrator will store student details, staff details and authentication details after that student will be traced and information store automatically to concern database. Then the attendance IS sent to parents via SMS. Student’s will store their attendance via biometric fingerprint reader without staff intervention.
kumar*, Dr. K. S. … Mohan*, Dr. A. (2019). Smart Card Reader for Engineering Students [SCR - All in One]. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 2549–2554.
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