E-Wallet- Factors Affecting Its Intention to Use

  • Nag* D
  • et al.
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The purpose of this research paper is to determine the influence of factors on intention to use E-Wallet, Bangkok, Thailand. The five factors which are selected for the study are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, security/privacy confidence, social influence and trustworthiness. In this study, the research is based on data collected through electronic questionnaires which were filled by 384 respondents who belong to service class of Bangkok, Thailand. The data were collected by using judgement quota and convenience sampling of non-probability sampling method. The data so collected was analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation (Bivariate) in order to find out the level of significance and relationship between independent and dependent variables. The result of analysis revealed that all the independent variables have a significant relationship with intention to use E-Wallet, with one of the variables, namely trustworthiness showing a strong relationship with intention to use E-Wallet whereas social influence showing lowest impact on intention to use E-Wallet. The results and findings of the study throw light on factors that the companies can emphasize and work upon to design their product related as well as marketing related strategies. The companies will be in a better position to attract new and existing customers towards E-Wallet usage. The use of E-Wallet is becoming popular not only in developed economies, but also in developing economies owing to the ease, safety and fast completion of day to day financial activities of the users. Moreover, the digitalization of monetary transactions throughout the world is a major factor which necessitates the use of E-Wallets by the users, thereby increasing the number of such users in the days to come.




Nag*, Dr. A. K., & Gilitwala, Dr. B. (2019). E-Wallet- Factors Affecting Its Intention to Use. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 3411–3415. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.d6756.118419

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