This paper explores the aspects of Gamifying the eight human core motivations for voluntary and continued involvement of the community in CSR activities. In these dynamic times communities are expecting diverse aspects in terms of value creation and delivery from the organizations. The organizations in turn have to devise robust CSR strategies that take sustainability as their foundation and create and implement resilient strategies that require a refurbishment of their CSR processes. Gamification is a craft where we derive all the fun and engaging elements found in games and apply the same to real world productive applications. Any process can be better implemented if we design the process for human motivation in a system as opposed to pure-efficiency designs. It should be more of a Human focusing design rather than a Functional focusing one. Sustainability is not an end game process. It is like taking a bath or brushing your teeth. It has to be worked upon every day, with the same vigor and with the objective of KAIZEN. It is not something that can be achieved, rather it is a process that can be developed and retained. This objective can only be achieved if the community voluntarily steps up and takes active and responsible steps towards a better future.
Khan, F. A., Yadav, N., Beena, F., & Kumar, M. (2019). Sustainability for the community by the community: CSR and community involvement through gamification. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 3087–3092.
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