There is an evidence base of varying strength for the use of acupuncture in conditions, such as chronic low back pain, myofascial trigger point, osteoarthritis, pain relief, performance enhancement and respiratory disorders. The aim of this study was to review the evidence base of acupuncture for common conditions that occur in sport. A literature review of how acupuncture works and what it can treat was performed. Evidence for each condition was critically appraised. There are significant differences in the perceived effectiveness of acupuncture for different conditions and mechanisms. Chronic low back pain, myofascial trigger point, acute low back pain and osteoarthritis were perceived to be effective. All of the reviewed mechanisms of acupuncture were perceived more effective than Chinese meridian. Those conditions that were rated as less effective generally had less supporting evidence or were not relevant to sporting populations.
Huntly, A., & Berdejo-del-Fresno, D. (2014). A Review of the Scientific Evidence for Acupuncture and Dry Needling Compared in Common Sporting Conditions and Medical Disorders. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2(5), 181–189.
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