The study presents innovative method of generalizing spatial information into a single multidimensional data model technology based on multidimensional information objects (MIO). This advanced method is intended to describe various types of spatial information of general planning objects at a construction site and their generalization into a single multidimensional model of general plan data. The method was further developed on the basis of newly introduced operations on multidimensional information objects. The operations of simple and generalized change and spatial generalization make it possible to integrate heterogeneous spatial information into single information space at all organizational levels of management while maintaining its integrity. The paper considers mathematical descriptions and graphic representations of information models of various types of spatial objects of general planning based on multidimensional information objects
Honcharenko, T. … Olkhova, N. (2019). The Method of Generalizing Spatial Information into a Single Multidimensional Data Model. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 8426–8432.
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