Mélange of IoT and ransomware

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The use of IoT devices are increasing rapidly. Since it integrates lots of devices, it provides lots of benefits to the users. Large companies also have started using it for coordination between the people and machines. However, Security is a major issue faced by IoT network. Trust is something that is necessary between the devices, which means that the data is transmitted without any tests to the trusted devices. IoT devices have very less security features since upgrades and patches are virtually non-existent. This makes it vulnerable to various attacks like Ransomware. Hackers will simply be able to take control of an IoT device and demand ransom for letting it go. This may get problematic especially in household devices. It is necessary to identify a solution for this this since IoT is still in the budding stage. Hence this work will analyse various available attacks in IoT and provide solutions to combat the ransomware.




Tandon, A. (2019). Mélange of IoT and ransomware. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 1460–1468. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I3309.0789S319

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