ABSTRAKHasil belajar peserta didik dapat dipengaruhi oleh komponen metakognitif dan juga lingkungan sekitar. Peserta didik MAN 1 Tasikmalaya tergolong menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu yang tinggal di asrama dan non asrama. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan metakognitif antara peserta didik yang tinggal di asrama dan di non asrama. Metode penelitian berupa kausal komparatif dengan purposive sampling. Sampel berupa masing-masing 29 peserta didik kelas XI MIPA 1 dan XI MIPA 2. Tes dilakukan dengan Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. Data dianalisis menggunakan Uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov untuk mengetahui normalitas data, dilanjutkan dengan uji homogenitas dengan Levene Test dan Uji t untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara kedua data tersebut. Skor rata-rata metakognitif peserta didik asrama sebesar 91,96% sedangkan untuk peserta didik non asrama sebesar 88,1%. Data menunjukkan adanya perbedaan metakognitif antara peserta didik yang tinggal di asrama dan non asrama. Kata kunci: asrama; metakognitif; non asrama; perbandingan ABSTRACTMetacognitive comparisons of students living in dormitories and non- dormitories in learning biology The learning outcomes of a student are influenced not only by the metacognitive components they have but also by the surrounding environment. The students of MAN 1 Tasikmalaya can be classified into two groups, who live in dormitories and in non-dormitories. This study aims to determine the metacognitive differences between students who live in dormitories and non-dormitories. The method used is causal-comparative with a purposive sampling technique and obtained 29 students each in XI MIPA 1 and XI MIPA 2 as samples. The test was conducted with Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. The data were analyzed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov,, the homogeneity test using the Levene test, and the t test to determine the comparasion between two data. The average metacognitive score for boarding students was 91.96%, while for non-boarding students was 88.1%. That data showed there are metacognitive differences between students in dormitories and non-dormitories. Keywords: boarding; comparison; metacognitive; non-boarding
Habibi, A. A., Mustofa, R. F., & Ardiansyah, R. (2021). Perbandingan metakognitif pada peserta didik yang tinggal di asrama dan non asrama pada pembelajaran biologi. Bioma : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi, 10(1), 69–79. https://doi.org/10.26877/bioma.v10i1.6291
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