This paper discusses the Upin-Ipin cartoon series, an animated series depicting the daily stories of two twins named Upin and Ipin along with their friends. This series is quite popular and much liked, especially by children in Indonesia. This paper seeks to reveal how moral values and diversity are summarized in this animated series. The approach is carried out through exploratory research. The data is taken from several series which are considered representative of the study theme. From the results of the discussion, it is known that although the animated series Upin and Ipin, which are the objects of study, are still thick with the nuances of the dominance of Malay ethnicity and Islamic religion, this does not mean that this animation then negates the existence of diversity compared to other ethnic groups. It can be seen in the narratives built-in each episode, which are closely related to the values of moderation and tolerance, both between ethnicities and religions.
Padiatra, A. M. (2022). Belajar Toleransi dari Animasi : Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Serial Kartun Upin-Ipin. Journal of Animation and Games Studies, 8(2), 125–146.
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