Modification of bamboo fibers/bio-based epoxy interface by nano-reinforced coatings

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This study investigates the improvement of the interface between bamboo fibers (BF) and a bio-based epoxy polymer by coating the surface of BF with nanoparticles. Unidirectional BF bundles were dip-coated with three different types of coating: bio-based epoxy, bio-based epoxy containing silanized silica fume, and bio-based epoxy containing starch nanoparticles. Scanning electron microscopy and dynamic contact angle tensiometry were performed to characterize the fiber surface. Tensile tests were conducted to study the benefit of the coating on the fiber properties. Bio-based epoxy/BF composites were molded and both tensile and flexural tests were conducted to study the fiber/matrix interface. Experimental results show that coated BF bundles are more hydrophobic and up to 30% stiffer and resistant than untreated fibers. The nano-reinforced interface enhances the flexural stress and modulus up to 25% and 20%, respectively, depicting a better fiber/matrix interface. POLYM. COMPOS., 39:1534–1542, 2018. © 2016 Society of Plastics Engineers.




Gauvin, F., Richard, C., & Robert, M. (2018). Modification of bamboo fibers/bio-based epoxy interface by nano-reinforced coatings. Polymer Composites, 39(5), 1534–1542.

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