The availability and uses of E-resources in the college libraries of Baksa District of Assam: Current status and prospects

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The present education system is moving from the traditional to towards the digital and electronic base environment. The dominance of the ICT has put an effective impact on the college libraries too. In the development index, the NE Region of India is always lacking behind, which may be due to its socio-economic, geographical and demographical conditions. Hence, in the educational sector has always a tremendous pressure to overcome such barriers. The educational resources available with the academic institutions play a key role in uplifting the quality and overall development of the students at a large. Therefore, this study try to portrait an actual picture of the current E-resources available in the college libraries of Baksa district of Assam and as well as, it will try to figure out the availability and uses of those resources by the library users through some findings.




Kalita, R. (2019). The availability and uses of E-resources in the college libraries of Baksa District of Assam: Current status and prospects. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 108–112.

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