Using novel one-bit ADC to design n-bit ADC

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This work presents two novel styles for designing n-bit analog to digital converter (ADC). Each of the proposed ADCs is built using novel one-bit cell. The novel cell produces single output bit as a response to an input voltage, in addition, it outputs another analog voltage. The generated analog voltage is used again as an input to the to generate one more bit, and new analog voltage, and so on. The proposed n-bit ADC is built using the novel one-bit cell in two different styles. One design style, by connecting n ADC cells together to construct n-bit ADC that produces parallel binary outputs. The other design style realizes the n-bit ADC using single ADC cell and outputs n-bit serially. In both ADC designs introduced in this work, modularity was the main design parameter. The two different n-bit ADCs have been simulated. The first n-bit ADC with parallel outputs produces clean outputs at 50MS/s, and the other ADC design shows clean serial bits at 5KS/s.




Abdalla, Y. S. (2019). Using novel one-bit ADC to design n-bit ADC. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11), 4190–4195.

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