ABSTRAKDeskripsi hubungan sifat morfologi organ vegetatif terhadap organ generatif pada salak pondoh dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pemuliaan tanaman salak pondoh. Tujuan penelitian adalah: mendeskripsikan sifat morfologi dan untuk mengidentifikasi apakah terdapat hubungan sifat morfologi organ vegetatif dengan organ generatif salak pondoh di sentra salak pondoh di Ampelgading Malang. Data hasil survei lapang dianalisa deskriptif untuk mengkomparasikan sifat morfologi pada varietas salak di sentra salak pondoh di Ampelgading Malang, sedangkan data kuantitatif dianalisa untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik morfologi vegetatif terhadap generatif, dilakukan dengan analisa sidik lintas pada structural equation modeling (SEM). Ada dua varietas yang banyak ditanam di sentra salak pondoh Ampelgading yaitu: pondoh merah kehitaman dan kuning. Salak pondoh merah kehitaman memiliki karakteristik unggul daripada salak pondoh kuning, yaitu: buah lebih besar, manis dan tidak mudah rontok. Terdapat hubungan nyata antara sifat morfologi organ vegetatif dengan organ generatif (buah) pada salak pondoh di Ampelgading. ABSTRACTThe description of the relationship between the morphological traits of vegetative organs to generative organs in salak pondoh can be used as the basis for breeding pondoh salak plants. The research objectives were: to describe the morphological characteristics and to identify whether there was a relationship between the morphological characteristics of the vegetative organs and the generative organs of salak pondoh at the salak pondoh center in Ampelgading Malang. The field survey data were analyzed descriptively to compare the morphological characteristics of the salak variety in the center of salak pondoh in Ampelgading Malang, while the quantitative data were analyzed to determine the relationship between vegetative and generative morphological characteristics, using cross-fingerprint analysis in structural equation modeling (SEM). There are two varieties that are widely planted in the center of salak pondoh Ampelgading, namely: pondoh red-black and yellow. The red-black salak pondoh has superior characteristics than the yellow salak pondoh, namely: the fruit is bigger, sweet and does not fall off easily. There is a significant relationship between the morphological characteristics of vegetative organs and generative organs (fruit) in salak pondoh in Ampelgading.
Nugroho, Y. A., & Ningsih, E. M. N. (2020). HUBUNGAN MORFOLOGI VEGETATIF DAN GENERATIF SALAK PONDOH (Salacca zalacca ) DI SENTRA SALAK PONDOH KABUPATEN MALANG. Agrika, 14(2), 172. https://doi.org/10.31328/ja.v14i2.1321
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