Integral transforms have a number of applications in the different fields of engineering and science to solve the problems of Newton’s law of cooling, signal processing, electrical networks, bending of beams, springs, mixing problems, carbon dating problems exponential growth and decay problems. In this paper, we will discuss the dualities of some useful integral transforms namely Laplace transform, Kamal transform, Elzaki transform, Aboodh transform, Sumudu transform, Mahgoub (Laplace-Carson) transform and Mohand transform with Sawi transform. To visualize the importance of dualities between mention integral transforms with Sawi transform, we give tabular presentation of the integral transforms (Laplace transform, Kamal transform, Elzaki transform, Aboodh transform, Sumudu transform, Mahgoub transform and Mohand transform) of mostly used basic functions by using mention dualities relations. Results show that the mention integral transforms are strongly related to each others.
Aggarwal, S., & Gupta, A. R. (2019). Dualities between some useful integral transforms and sawi transform. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 5978–5982.
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