Smart Home using Visual Sensor Network and Li-Fi Technology

  • Kumar* D
  • et al.
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One of the most interest gaining and intellectual applications of the Internet of Things (IOT) is Smart Home. It enhances the quality of human life and brings more comfortability, convenience and savings. In this paper, an intellectual home procedural system is proposed which is based on Li-Fi technology as medium of communication between the connected devices. It uses wireless visual sensor network as video surveillance system. Li-Fi is a bi-directional high speed connected technology that supports sharing (sending and receiving) of data by illuminating the usage of LED bulbs. The usage of such innovation gives a surety of a higher level of security, higher data transmission rate, less consumption of energy and more convenience.




Kumar*, Dr. D., & Sharma, Dr. U. (2019). Smart Home using Visual Sensor Network and Li-Fi Technology. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 4791–4796.

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