Analysis of Blast Induced Ground Vibration under Varying Controlled Blasting Parameter

  • et al.
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Mining activity plays a major role for economic development of any nation. The drilling and blasting are the two key operations in the mining industry. The execution of these operations generates some disturbances to the environment, like noise and vibration. Blasting is the process of reducing large rock mass into the smaller fragments for our convinces of further processing. In this study the blast induced vibrations are monitored in the form of peak particle velocity (PPV) for the different cases of varying hole spacing. In this study, the PPV was measured for the three different directions, namely, transitional, vertical and longitudinal and it was observed that the PPV for in transitional direction is decreasing with the increment in the hole spacing between two consecutive rows. Further, it was observed that peak vector sum (PVS) having an inverse relation with the hole spacing.




Tripathi*, A. K., Nookaraju, G. D., & Subramanian, K. S. S. (2020). Analysis of Blast Induced Ground Vibration under Varying Controlled Blasting Parameter. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 3171–3175.

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