Many of the Power Flow Controlling Devices are mostly used in the Transmission Lines in order to monitor the real as well as reactive power-flow variations. In this work provide an innovative power flow controlling device such as Distributed Power Flow Controller, this device also belongs to the FACTS family. This device is emerged from the Unified Power Flow Controller, there is a small differentiation between both these devices that is the common dc-link. In case of DPFC there is no existence of the dc link which connects both the converters. By design a DPFC device in MATLAB/Simulink to analyze the transmission line parameters.
Duvvuru, R., Rajeswaran, N., & Sanjeeva Rao, T. (2019). Performance of distributed power flow controller in transmission system based on fuzzy logic controller. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 2039–2043.
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