Cognitive computational model for evaluation of fintech products and services with respect to Vijayawada City, Ap

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Now in the era of artificial intelligence and digitalisation financial sector is adopting various digital tools in their products and services offerings. That’s why user acceptance of technology in the financial sector has became the important field of the study. Internet banking, mobile banking, ATM,cash deposit machines, instant payment services, online trading in stock markets, online funds transfers, E-wallets,wealth management, peer to peer lending, blockchain technology are various fintech products and services. This study is an attempt to analyse the users acceptance of technology in their financial management decisions by using cognitive computational model. Cognitive computing provides a great opportunity for users to understand the true nature of risk for the industry especially new upcoming risk such as cyber security. This study mainly focuses on how different cognitive factors such as perceived expenditure, ease of time, level of risk, service quality, frequent use of automated tools, socio cultural factors, perceived trust, perceived usability and perceived convenience to use influence the users motive to adopt and utilise the Financial Technology.




Katyayani, J., & Varalakshmi, C. (2019). Cognitive computational model for evaluation of fintech products and services with respect to Vijayawada City, Ap. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10), 1733–1736.

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