Colouration of textile materials is most important step in whole chemical processing of textiles department. There are various sources of obtain colours/dyes for the application. Natural dyes are the one of the emerging area in the field of dyeing of textile materials due to their eco-friendly in nature. In the present study the kasunda flower powder is used as a dye along with the mordants, which improves the dye up take and colour strength. The kasunda flower powder and natural mordants were applied in different concentrations to cotton fabrics and measured the colour strength in terms of K/S and washing fastness properties.
Chilukoti*., G. R., Venkatesh, B., … Kumar, M. S. J. (2020). Colour Strength and Washing Fastness Properties of Cotton Fabric Dyed With Kasunda Flower Extract. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 2019–2022.
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