The role of the ethnographic vocabulary in the English and Uzbek languages

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Various aspects of language and culture are currently the focus of attention of linguists, ethnolinguists, sociolinguists, psycholinguists, and cultural studies. It is the reflection in the language of ethnic and personal self-knowledge, ways of perceiving and conceptualizing the world, the formation of symbols and stereotypes inherent in certain people. Culture of a people is reflected in the values of linguistic units i.e. that stably fixed in them is invariant in content, knowledge of the language, and in terms of their ability to convey information over time, ranging in size and connotations, knowledge of which may not be necessary for the knowledge of the language. Cultural studies of vocabulary and in whole the language is the main point of our paper.




Kayumova, N. M., Shukurova, N. S., & Safoeva, S. N. (2019). The role of the ethnographic vocabulary in the English and Uzbek languages. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 1551–1554.

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