Impact of Salesperson’s Service Quality on Customer Buying Behavior in Fashion Retail Sector

  • Siddiquei* M
  • et al.
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Purpose – This paper tries to assess the effect of salesperson service quality on consumer buying decisions. Design/methodology/approach – Under this research SERVQUAL scale has been utilized after certain modifications vis a vis salespersons service quality in the fashion products industry. Customer buying decision was also measured through a self-developed scale. Responses from 110 customers were obtained at the time of leaving the store.Findings – The findings were surprisingly different from previous researches as tangibles were rated the highest influence on customer buying decision.Research limitations/implications –The study was conducted in a Capital city of India i.e. Delhi and Capital of Uttar Pradesh, i.e. Lucknow. Therefore the findings cannot be generalized for the whole country. The findings may not be consistent with other retail settings.Originality/value – The findings can help a salesperson to work on the areas of service quality which facilitates repeated customer contact and increased sales.




Siddiquei*, M. I., & Kumar, R. (2019). Impact of Salesperson’s Service Quality on Customer Buying Behavior in Fashion Retail Sector. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 6547–6550.

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