A Contour shaped rocket nozzle, commonly known as Bell nozzle, is a more efficient form of a De-Laval nozzle useful for operation at different altitudes resulting in variable pressure ratio across the nozzle. Here the penetration length during the flow is calculated in a De-Laval nozzle using Computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The TOP nozzle] by G.V.R. Rao is modeled and simulated using CFD analysis by varying the divergent half angle of the bell nozzle. The geometry of different divergent angle of the bell nozzle is modeled using MATLAB code. The modeled geometry and mesh of the nozzle is simulated in ANSYS-FLUENT software. The simulation shows the variation in different flow parameter at different divergent half angles. The analysis so far for the same is done in a conical shaped rocket nozzle at the cost of varying the divergent length for changing the divergent half angle of the nozzle. This project simulates bell nozzle with constant divergent length. The simulation model is verified and validated using experimental and computational data at an NPR (Nozzle pressure ratio) of 1000. As the Rao Nozzle is used currently in rocket, missile, and satellite control systems worldwide. This research work to show how the penetration length effect the Mass-Weighted average Mach number in a particular designed bell nozzle with different divergent half angle. Based on the results obtained, the discussion is done about the parameters and the conclusion is given.
Agrawal, *Rishab Kumar, & Munagala, S. (2020). Parametric Output of Penetration Length in De-Laval Nozzle using Computational Fluid Dynamics. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 585–592. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.f7334.038620
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