This paper deals with the adaptive algorithms for active noise control (ANC) systems being employed for the impulsive noise sources. The standard filtered-x least mean square (FxLMS) algorithm; based on the minimization of the variance of the error signal; is well suited for attenuation of Gaussian noise sources. For the impulsive noise; modeled as a stable non-Gaussian process; however, the second order moments do not exist and hence the FxLMS algorithm becomes unstable. The filtered-x least mean p-power (FxLMP) algorithm - based on minimizing the fractional lower order moment (FLOM) - gives robust performance for impulsive ANC; however, its convergence speed is very slow. This paper proposes two data-reusing (DR)-based adaptive algorithms for impulsive ANC. The Proposed-I DR algorithm is based on the normalized step-size FxLMS (NSS-FxLMS) algorithm, and the Proposed-II DR algorithm is based on the Author's recently proposed NSS generalized FxLMP (NSS-GFxLMP) algorithm. Extensive simulations are carried out, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in comparison with the existing algorithms.
Akhtar, M. T., & Nishihara, A. (2015). Data-reusing-based filtered-reference adaptive algorithms for active control of impulsive noise sources. Applied Acoustics, 92, 18–26.
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