Low cost arduino based energy efficient home automation system with smart task scheduling

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home automation or smart home industry has been grown rapidly over the last few years and also it will ne continued in future due to its various benefits and demand in the market. In this paper a hardware of home automation system is presented that is inexpensive than available similar products in the market. The home automation system is developed that consisting of ultrasonic sensors, Arduino UNO, relay coil and connects controlled devices to a central hub or “gateway”. It is efficient in operation, reduces the energy in operation and reduces the energy utilization with less maintenance cost.




Raju, K., & Shanmukha Rao, L. (2019). Low cost arduino based energy efficient home automation system with smart task scheduling. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 6521–6523. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.A1509.109119

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