A model of curricular content for the educational reconstruction of Green Chemistry: the voice of Chilean science teachers and science education researchers

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The introduction of Green Chemistry (GC) into school science curriculum is considered an important step that encourages students to build connections between chemistry, other school subjects, and different aspects of their daily lives. The concepts associated with GC can be applied throughout the various levels of education with different degrees of complexity and provide a systematic approach to the teaching of science for sustainability. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the specific content that can be associated with the teaching of GC in primary and secondary schools in Chile. This study aims to provide a model of curricular science content for GC school education, utilizing the framework of Educational Reconstruction. The research question was “What links do in-service science teachers and science education researchers establish between GC and the school curriculum?” Specifically, we were interested in comparing science teachers’ and science education researchers’ perceptions of the links between GC and school science subject, school science contents, and crosscutting science concepts. A qualitative approach was employed for data collection and analysis, focusing on the written responses of 20 in-service science teachers and 20 science education researchers. We conclude the study by proposing an empirically based model of curricular content for GC school education (GCSE), comprising three dimensions: the multidisciplinary dimension of school science subjects represented here by chemistry, with the greatest presence, biology, physics, and geology; the intradisciplinary dimension of core disciplinary contents within each school subject; and the interdisciplinary dimension linked to a range of crosscutting concepts for GC.




González-García, P. J., Marbà-Tallada, A., & Espinet, M. (2023). A model of curricular content for the educational reconstruction of Green Chemistry: the voice of Chilean science teachers and science education researchers. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 24(4), 1190–1203. https://doi.org/10.1039/d3rp00063j

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