Water is the critical need of today world. Clean and drinking Water is made drinkable by water chlorination in repositories and water conveyance framework distribution system. To obstruct the bacterial growth a base measure of minimum amount of residual chlorine should remain in the water. It is a serious challenge for the checking point of view about residual chlorine to ensure the quality of water in the distribution system, as there are numerous factors which affect its concentration decay process. At the point when chlorine starts mixing with water it reacts with pipe wall and various other elements present in the water prompting to its concentration decay. This problem makes it necessary to investigate the behavior of chlorine decay pattern. In this paper we investigate that chlorine reducing with increment of the time period and various samples was collected from old age and newly built colony
Smart Mathematical Model for Chlorine Concentration Decay in Water Pipe Line Network. (2020). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10S2), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.j1002.08810s219
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